DiscoverRealWorld Angularapplications
While most "todo" demos provide an excellent cursory glance at a framework's capabilities, they typically don't convey the knowledge & perspective required to actually build real applications with it.
Server API
work in progressStarter kit
todoExample apps
Angular starter kit
The Angular starter kit is a fully functional real-world application, featuring an event platform designed to create communities, promote events, engage users with polls, and much more. It's built using Angular APIs such as:
- Signals, RxJS
- Guards, Interceptors, Router
- Reactive Forms, Custom Directives, ControlValueAccessor
And examplary good practices:
- CSP, http-only cookie
- Semantic and Accessible HTML
- Testing
Example apps
Explore a diverse collection of example apps built on our comprehensive starter kit.
Whether you're looking to understand the use of various libraries in a large-scale, complex application, or simplify your work as a library author with real-world demos, these examples have got you covered!
- State Management: NgRX, NGXS, Elf...
- UI Frameworks: Angular Material, PrimeNG...
- Deployment Options: SSG, SSR, Full-stack...
- Backend as a Service (BaaS): Firebase, Supabase, AppWrite...
- And more...
Server API
While most templates uses mock or in memory data, RealWorld Angular provide a real API, created in the same quality standards. It includes:
- Authentication, Authorization
- advanced error handling
- Websockets
- over 50 endpoints